
Taehyun Kim (김태현) is currently an Associate Professor of Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Seoul National University (SNU)

He got his B.S. degree in Computer Engineering and his M.S. degree (MEMS) in Control and Instrument Engineering, both from SNU. He got his Ph.D. degree in Physics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he developed  the first entangled photon pair source based on Sagnac interferometer which is adopted by the first quantum satellite in 2016, and also demonstrated several different quantum information protocols using photonic qubits (quantum bits).

He also developed the ion trap systems for quantum repeater and quantum computing at Duke University as a postdoctoral researcher, and joined SK telecom where he built the working ion trap system for the first time in South Korea and demonstrated the qubit operation with ion trap also for the first time in South Korea. Until he joined SNU in Sep. 2018, all the working ion trap systems at SK telecom were built only by himself and his co-supervised students.

Postdoctoral Researchers

Graduate Students

M.S./Ph.D. Student. Majored in Physics and minored in Mathematical Sciences and Computer Science & Engineering at SNU.


M.S./Ph.D. Student. Majored in Physics and Economics at the College of Liberal Studies at SNU. His research field is Engineering of Atom-Light Interactions for Robust Qubit Operations


M.S./Ph.D. Student. Majored in Electrical & Electronic Engineering at Yonsei Univ.

M.S./Ph.D. Student. Majored in Electrical & Electronic Engineering at Yonsei Univ.


M.S./Ph.D. Student. Majored in Computer Science & Engineering at SNU. 


M.S./Ph.D. Student. Majored in Physics and Computer Science & Engineering at the College of Liberal Studies at SNU.


Ph.D. Student. Majored in Computer Science & Engineering and minored in Physics at SNU.

Ph.D. Student. Received his B.S. and M.S. degree in Aerospace Engineering from KAIST.


M.S./Ph.D. Student. Majored in Computer Science & Engineering and Mathematical Sciences in the College of Liberal Studies at SNU. 

M.S. Student. Majored in Physics Education and Electrical & Computer Engineering at SNU


M.S./Ph.D. Student. Majored in Electrical & Computer Engineering at SNU


M.S./Ph.D. Student. Majored in Chemistry and Physics at SNU


M.S./Ph.D. Student. Majored in Mathematical Sciences and Computer Science & Engineering at SNU. He is interested in Quantum Algorithm.

Ph.D. Student. Majored in Physics and minored in Mathematical Sciences at SNU. He is interested in manipulating phonons of trapped ion system.


M.S./Ph.D. Student. Majored in Physics at SNU.


M.S./Ph.D. Majored in Physics at KU.


M.S./Ph.D. student. Majored in Dept. of Physics & Astronomy at SNU.


M.S./Ph.D. student. Majored in Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering at SNU.


M.S./Ph.D. student. Majored in Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering at SNU.


M.S./Ph.D. student. Majored in Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering at SNU.

Undergraduate Interns

Undergraduate student in Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering at SNU.


Undergraduate student in Dept. of Physics & Astronomy at SNU.

Visiting Researchers

Administrative Staffs


Administrative staff.